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Re: Pumpkin pine floors

Posted By: James Schooley <furnitureissues@earthlink.net> (0-1pool247-60.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 7/28/5 22:54

In Response To: Pumpkin pine floors (Jennifer)

We use paint thinner and 0000 steel wool, followed by lots of rags or paper towels to remove the dirt and old loosened wax. As for damage, that can often be lessened with steam to swell the dents if noticeable bad. As for discoloration like black water marks, we remove them with Oxalic Acid, a deck cleaner will often have this ingredient, mix the oxalic crystals in warm water, adding more till it stops dissolving and begins to build up on the bottom of the container. Hide thin spots in the stain with Golden Oak Watco Oil Stain, if there is a shellac finish you can light sand with 320 grit and recoat with an orange shellac, dewaxed if possible. Add extra coats where the color is weak and feather out the edges with 600 grit wet dry sand paper, after allowing the new shellac to dry for a day, then put one final coat over all. Varnish can be done similarly, and poly is a whole nuther problem, so I hope you don't have that!

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