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Posted By: James Schooley <furnitureissues@earthlink.net> (0-1pool246-97.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
In Response To: warped panel (j duke)
Date: 7/26/5 01:42
You have the right idea, the shrinkage has caused one side to turn in, thus the concave side needs to be expanded while the opposite side needs to catch up by drying out, such as the sun will provide. Lay the board out on the lawn and you will get the same effect, arched side up. I find that the effect needs to be over done a bit to resume a flat shape, however some lumber is on it's way to a permanent warp due to the location in which it was inside the tree, relative to the growth rings. Without a good stable environment and a good finish to reduce moisture displacement, there are some warps that are inevitable, to some degree. But all in all there is much that can be done to stabilize a board and minimize this problem.
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