
Old Chifforobe circa 1850

From: Martyann
Date: 10 Jul 1999
Time: 15:03:08
Remote Name:


I have inhereted a family chifforobe that is most likely a Texas piece as that is the date my anscetors settled in Texas. I remember it setting in my ggrandparents spare bedroom of the old home place. After they moved into a newer smaller home it sat in the old home place for many years until well after their deaths, with no climite controll (very hot Texas weather) and probably a leaky roof! Some years ago my mother came in possesion of the piece and now I have it. The wood grain is raised in the finish, there are a few water stains and the two bottom drawers are badly mared(bare places around the pulls). It is quite dirty and I'm sure that is has not been polished in over 50 years. I know that in other similar pieces blood paint was used to finish them and this piece has a reddish brown coloring to it. What is the best way to clean it and to protect it. I would like to do something with it so it won't look so distressed, but don't want to damage its valure
