
Re: old bedroom set

From: Jim Cole
Date: 27 Jun 1999
Time: 21:53:22
Remote Name:


Ron sounds like a nice set. It may well be walnut, but then as now there were lesser grades of wood disguised as their betters. It sounds like you should be able to handle the touch up and minor repair. Proceed carefully use univeral tints like Tintsall that your local paint store should have in tubes brush or wipe it on straight out of the tube or mix it for other colors and use lite coats of can spray lacquer to seal it then polish out with 00 or 0000 steel wool to match the gloss on the rest of the piece and follow all with a good coat of paste wax for extra glow and protection. Who knows you may want to get in this business. Good luck, if you have any more questions someone will try to help you.
