Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA  (215) 968-8000






Fine Woodworking I
This course begins a concentrated study of wood furniture construction and design. Carcass construction is emphasized. The student is expected to develop control over the material and skill in the use of hand tools in particular, as well as power tools.
(6 billable credits)
4 credits




Fine Woodworking II
This course is a continuation of the development of furniture construction techniques and design skills begun in ARTW101. Frame construction is emphasized and the use of power tools is increased. Jigs are introduced.

Prerequisite: ARTW101 and Enrollment in POS2092 Fine Woodworking.
(6 billable credits)
4 credits




Design in Woodworking I
The purpose of this course is to familiarize the student with basic drafting techniques used in the conception, development, presentation, and execution of furniture design and to introduce design criteria, including function, form, and balance.

Prerequisites or Corequisites: ARTW101.
3 credits




Design in Woodworking II
This course is intended to further the development of the woodworking student's design sense and to improve sketching, drafting, and rendering skills learned in ARTW110.
3 credits




Woodcarving - Furniture
In contrast to the woodcarving course offered by the sculpture department, this study will relate to carving as furniture decoration and embellishment. Through the use of lecture/demonstrations and practical studio exercises, students will explore the areas of low and high relief woodcarving, tool care, and basic design format
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




Furniture Conservation
This is a studio museum science course designed to give the student a working knowledge of the proper care and handling of antique furniture, its documentation and repair. The study will also include those technical skills and concepts for the successful reproduction of antique designs.
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




Architectural Woodworking
This is a survey course focusing on the special design, construction, and joinery requirements necessary in furniture construction when man-made ply panels are employed. Special attention will be given to creation of curved panels as an element in design. In addition, modern KD and 32mm systems will be studied. Lecture, demonstrations, slide, and video presentations average three of four hours per week of class time.

Prerequisites or Corequisites: ARTW101 or ARTW150.
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




Bending and Veneering
The construction of designed shapes will be explored from its historical beginnings and brought to the present day technological level. This course will focus on the techniques of strip lamination as well as steam bending to create curved shaped parts in furniture designs and wooden objects beyond sculpting. Lecture, demonstrations, slide, and video presentations average three of four hours per week of class time.

Prerequisites or Corequisites: ARTW101 or ARTW150.
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




Chair Construction
A comprehensive course covering the structural, design, and historical basis of good seating devices. Students learn to develop designs and construct models and finished pieces using classical and contemporary guidelines that satisfy client needs and reflect personal creativity. Lecture, demonstrations, slide, and video presentations average three of four hours per week of class time.

Prerequisites: ARTW101 or ARTW150
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




Table Systems
This will be a survey course in the specialized woodworking area of table design and construction. All the classical and contemporary shapes and construction techniques will be explored in student exercises with particular emphasis on how structural demands impact on design. Lecture, demonstrations, slide and video presentations average three or four hours per week of class time.
2 credits




Production Techniques
Students learn the processes and skills required to successfully design and employ industry production techniques in small and large woodworking shops. Projects stress design solutions leading to greater efficiency, cost effectiveness and safety while utilizing aesthetics, historical reference and production traditions. Lecture, demonstrations, slide and video presentations average three or four hours per week of class time.
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




Woodworking I
This elective course introduces the beginning student to the structural, functional, and sculptural properties of wood, and to the traditional techniques used by professional cabinetmakers. Hand tool skills are emphasized, to be developed by means of practice projects and a finished piece of the student's design.
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




Woodworking II
This elective course builds upon the knowledge and skills gained in ARTW150. Through assigned projects, students will explore complicated joinery techniques and machine tool operation.

Prerequisite: ARTW150.
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




An exploration of the historical and traditional basis of lathe work, including spindle turning, faceplate work and special shapes in traditional as well as contemporary contexts. Students learn tool use and care, hand and design skills, and the creative qualities that can be achieved on the lathe. Lecture, demonstrations, slide and video presentations average three of four hours per week of class time.
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




Furniture Finishing
This will be a hands-on study of past and present finishing techniques used in the furniture industry. Classical and contemporary methods of surface care will be discussed and demonstrated. Particular emphasis will be on safety and environmental issues. Lecture, demonstrations, slide, and video presentations average three of four hours per week of class time.
(3 billable credits)
2 credits




Chemistry and Physics of Wood
A course designed to uncover the essential natural properties of wood and related furniture construction materials. Through lectures and lab demonstrations, students will be shown the actions and interactions of glues, finishes, and related substances.

Prerequisite: ARTW101 or ARTW150.
3 credits




Plastics and Metalworking
This course is designed to acquaint the woodworker with the processes and materials used with plastics and metal. Emphasis will be placed upon the understanding of how plastics and metal are worked or used in combination with wooden objects.
(3 billable credits)
2 credits